Since we launched our Annual Fund, we have raised $151,413 in total pledges of which we have received $139,127 so far. To date, 570 families have made a gift toward our goal of $325,000. If you have not yet contributed to this year’s Annual Fund, I urge you to do so now. I would love to count you among those donors in my next report! This annual fund is vital to the operation of the parish and our building of God’s Kingdom at Saint Mary’s. Without the income from the Annual Fund we cannot sustain the activities and ministries of our parish. If you've never made a gift to the Annual Fund, or if it's been a while since your last gift, may I ask that you consider a gift of $100 or more this year.
Each year I am amazed and humbled by the commitment that you and people like you make to St. Mary's. Once again, thank you for your generosity. I hope I can count on you to support this year's Annual Fund. Thanks for all you do for us and be assured of my prayers and the prayers of all the friars for you and your loved ones.
Your brother and servant in Christ, in the spirit of Francis of Assisi, Fr. Gonzalo
Helping our ministries continue our Christian and Franciscan Mission